The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of reward and punishment on organizational commitment, the effect of reward, punishment and organizational commitment on employee performance, and reward and punishment indirectly affect performance through the organizational commitment of ASN and Non ASN employees at the Regional Secretariat of North Luwu Regency.This study uses a quantitative research type. This research was conducted at the Regional Secretariat of North Luwu Regency. The population in this study were all employees at the Regional Secretariat of North Luwu Regency as many as 110 people, so that the sampling technique with a saturated sample. Data collection techniques with questionnaires. The data analysis using path analysis. reward and punishment have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, so that the better the reward and punishment, the better organizational commitment or increase. Furthermore, this study also reveals that reward, punishment and organizational commitment also have a positive and significant effect on the performance of the employees of the Regional Secretariat of North Luwu Regency, so that the better the reward, punishment and organizational commitment, the employee's performance will also increase. Finally, this research reveals that indirectly reward and punishment have a positive and significant effect on employee performance through organizational commitment, so that the better the reward and punishment, the better the organizational commitment
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