Impact of Total Quality Management Implementation on Managerial Per-formance Improvement

  • Muhammad Nasrun Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Continuous System Improvement, Education, Training, Managerial Performance


This study aims to analyze and examine the effect of Total Quality Management, which consists of continuous system improvement and education and training on improving managerial performance. We conducted this study at PT Bumi Karsa by involving 50 managers, heads of departments, supervisors, and staff from PT Bumi Karsa. The data in this study were collected by distributing questionnaires and processed using the SPSS tool. The testing stage consists of several analytical steps: validity test, reliability test, multicollinearity test, and normality test. The hypothesis in this study was tested using the R-Square test, F-test, and t-test. The results of this study indicate that Total Quality Management, which consists of continuous system improvement and education and training, influences improving managerial performance at PT Bumi Karsa. It is recommended that companies conduct more frequent training and education on maintaining relationships with customers, maintaining and improving product quality standards, increasing motivation to achieve improvements in the company's way of working, and leadership training


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How to Cite
Nasrun, M. (2021). Impact of Total Quality Management Implementation on Managerial Per-formance Improvement. Point of View Research Accounting and Auditing, 2(4), 262 - 269.