This research aims to measure and analyze the work environment and facilities as well as motivation for employee performance, both directly and indirectly. This research method is quantitative. This research was conducted on 104 employees at the UPT Forest Management Unit (KPH) Ajatappareng Environment and Forestry Service of South Sulawesi Province. By using a saturated sample technique. The data collected by questionnaire was then analyzed using the Path Analysis method using the SPSS 23 application. Meanwhile, hypothesis testing used the t test and to test the direct and indirect effects of work environment variables, facilities, on performance through motivation using the sobel test.
From the research results, conclusions can be drawn: (1) There is a positive and significant influence between work environment variables on employee motivation at the UPT Forest Management Unit (KPH) Ajatappareng, South Sulawesi Province Environment and Forestry Service (2) There is a positive and significant influence between facility variables on employee motivation at the Ajatappareng Forest Management Unit (KPH) UPT, South Sulawesi Province Environment and Forestry Service (3) There is a positive and significant influence between work environment variables on employee performance at the Ajatappareng Forest Management Unit (KPH) UPT, Sulawesi Province Environment and Forestry Service South (4) There is a positive and significant influence between the facility variables on employee performance at the UPT Forest Management Unit (KPH) Ajatappareng, Environment and Forestry Service, South Sulawesi Province. (5) There is a positive and significant influence between motivation variables on employee performance at the Ajatappareng Forest Management Unit (KPH) UPT, South Sulawesi Province Environment and Forestry Service (6) Work environment variables on performance through motivation at the Ajatappareng Forest Management Unit (KPH) UPT South Sulawesi Provincial Environment and Forestry Service "accepted" (7) Variable facilities on performance through motivation At Ajatappareng Forest Management Unit (KPH) UPT South Sulawesi Provincial Environment and Forestry Service "accepted
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