• Sri Eva Allositandi STIE Amkop Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


The results show that employee performance is influenced by career development, diversity management, and public service motivation. Public service motivation plays the most significant role, with a greater contribution to improving employee performance compared to career development and diversity management. Therefore, increasing public service motivation is identified as the primary strategy to improve employee performance at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Mamuju District. The implications of these findings underscore the need for increasing public service motivation through appropriate training, mentoring, and incentives. This is expected to enhance the quality of service to the public, as well as the overall performance of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Mamuju District. This research provides guidance for policy-makers and management to implement strategies more focused on increasing public service motivation to effectively achieve the goal of improving employee performance.


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How to Cite
Allositandi, S. E. (2024). PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL PLANNING EMPLOYEES IN THE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE OF MAMUJU DISTRICT POST-ISSUANCE OF PP 21/2021. Point of View Research Economic Development, 5(2). Retrieved from