The Effect Of Talent Management, Self Efficacy On Employee Performance Through Em-ployee Engagement At Pt. Hadji Kalla Toyota Alauddin Branch, Makassar
Along with the increasingly advanced era of digitalization or digital economy, every business, both private and government, must demonstrate innovation in the field of human resources due to the tight competition and the rapidly changing and unpredictable environment that characterizes the business world. Thus, to achieve optimal performance, human resources become assets that need to be improved productively and efficiently. To achieve goals, organizations must create an environment and situation that supports and facilitates the development of employee abilities and expertise optimally, especially in terms of performance. Employee performance is a key factor in achieving success and achieving company goals. The purpose of this study is to analyze how to improve employee performance through talent management, self-efficacy and employee engagement within the scope of PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota Alauddin Makassar Branch. The research approach uses a quantitative approach with associative research. Associative/ quantitative research as a useful investigation to ensure the relationship between two or more variables. The population taken is employee PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota Alauddin Makassar Branch with 155 employees . The sampling technique uses saturated sampling by taking all the existing population. Data collection through field research from the results of distributing questionnaires, as well as literature studies. Data analysis through research instrument testing, classical assumption testing, path analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of the study show that talent management as well as self efficacy can increase employee engagement as well as performance employees . This is to signify that height talent management and self-efficacy every employee in Handling work so can increase employee engagement employee as well as performance the work that generated by employees in Handling work according to burden his work . Then employee engagement can mediate in a way partial Good it is talent of management and also self efficacy on performance employees . Findings research This can indicates that improvement involvement employee can strengthen connection between management talent and self efficacy with performance employees , so that PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota Makassar Branch needs focus on strategies that can increase level involvement employee in reach out more results Good in achievement performance employee
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