Factors Affecting The Export of Coffee In South Sulawesi Province

  • Aryati Arfah Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma Putra Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Productivity, Exchange Rate, Price, Export


This study aims to determine the factors that affect the volume of coffee exports in South Sulawesi. The independent variables contained in this study are coffee production, exchange rates, and prices. In comparison, the dependent variable in this study is the volume of exports. The type of research used in this study is time-series data during the 2000-2018 period. The data analysis in this study used the classical assumption test (normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), auto-correction test (Durbin Watson Test) Multicoinirietas test), Descriptive Analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis. On the results of the Partial Test (T-test) Variable. Production, exchange rates, and prices have a positive and significant impact on the export volume of coffee. In the simultaneous test results (Test F), the production variables, exchange rates, and prices simultaneously positively and significantly affect coffee exports.


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How to Cite
Arfah, A., & Putra, A. H. P. K. (2020). Factors Affecting The Export of Coffee In South Sulawesi Province . Point of View Research Economic Development, 1(3), 39 - 50. Retrieved from https://journal.accountingpointofview.id/index.php/POVRED/article/view/99