The Effect of Profitability and Leverage on Stock Return of Food and Beverage Companies
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of profitability and leverage on stock returns. The research approach used in this study is quantitative, focusing on 6 of the 16 food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2013. Sampling using purposive sampling method, with the criteria that the companies listed on the Stock Exchange during 2009-2015 complete with data related to the variables in this study. Data collection uses the documentation method (secondary data). Data analysis used profitability analysis, leverage analysis, stock return analysis, classical assumption test (test normality, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test). Multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination test, simultaneous significance test, and partial test. The results show that profitability and leverage affect stock returns, with profitability as the dominant variable.
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