The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises

  • Megawaty Megawaty Institut Bisnis dan Keuangan Nitro, Makassar
  • Hendriadi Hendriadi Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara, Kendari
  • Karta Negara Salam Institut Bisnis dan Keuangan Nitro, Makassar
Keywords: Leadership, Businessman, Small and Medium Enterprises


leadership onentrepreneurial MediumSmall Enterprises (SMEs). This study uses a grounded theory approach with meta-analysis, in which researchers look systematically and structured past studies on the impact of entrepreneurial leadership on SME performance. The results found that the success of SMEs is inseparable from the role of entrepreneurial leadership style. This type of leadership has many special characteristics and abilities to manage and develop a business. Organizational performance is important to be developed and directed properly to produce even better performance. In other words, entrepreneurial leadership will have a positive or negative impact depending on the leader's ability to make decisions, see opportunities, and manage all existing resources in the SME organization


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How to Cite
Megawaty, M., Hendriadi, H., & Salam, K. N. (2022). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. Point of View Research Management, 3(4), 388 - 397. Retrieved from