Juridical Study of Responsible of Business Actors if Consumers Experience Losses

  • Retno Sari Dewi Universitas Tulungagung
Keywords: Consumer Protection Law, Customer Responsibility, Sales after Service


Consumer protection law is all principles and rules of consumer law that aim to regulate and protect consumers in their relationships and problems with providers of goods and services or producers. Protection of consumers is increasingly important, given the increasing speed and pace of science and technology, which are the driving forces for producers' productivity and efficiency and the services they produce to achieve business targets the formulation of the problem in this research is how is the business actor's responsibility if the product in the form of goods and or services causes harm to the consumer? This paper uses the normative legal research method because it examines the principles of law, legal systematics, and their application. The data source refers to primary legal materials and secondary legal materials that are processed descriptively, analyzed, and argumentative using the statute approach, namely, the legal rules governing consumer protection through a literature search. The result of this study show, the Government's legal housing to protect consumers is Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, ideally fully applies the principle of Strict Liability. Businesses must be responsible for consumer losses without proving whether there is a mistake in him or them. The focus of strict liability is a responsibility that is not based on aspects of fault (fault) and the contractual relationship but is based on product defects (objective liability) and the risk or loss suffered by consumers (risk-based liability).


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How to Cite
Dewi, R. S. (2021). Juridical Study of Responsible of Business Actors if Consumers Experience Losses. Point of View Research Management, 2(1), 47 - 52. Retrieved from https://journal.accountingpointofview.id/index.php/POVREMA/article/view/120